2 Modes Stepper Motor Driver.
2 Bidirectional DC Motor Driver.
Keyboard and Keypad Input Decoder.
Infra Red Transceiver module which supports several protocol, such as : SONY, PANASONIC, PHILIPS or Raw Data.
Motor Controller with PID for controlling speed and direction of 4 DC motors or 2 stepper motors.
Bluetooth module class 2 based on Bluetron BTR310 which has a signal range up to 10m with SPP340 profile. This module has 2 option interface (USB/vritual...
Servo Motor Controller for controlling up to 20 servo motors simultaneously or sequently with servo ramping.
DC / Stepper motor controller module which capable of controlling the direction and speed for 4 DC Motor or 2 Stepper Motor. Moreover this module has been...
Controller module for 2 DC motor which integrated with 1,2A motor driver.
DC motor controller module with the capability to control two 2,4A DC motor.
Controller module for 1 stepper motor which integrated with 1,2A motor driver.
Stepper motor controller which has been equipped with 2,4A driver motor.
Smart Peripheral Controller (SPC) LOW COST SERIAL LCD is a CHARACTER LCD controller module that supports UART interface level TTL and RS-232 line so that...
OLED controller module which provide UART TTL and RS-232 interace so making wiring easier.
8 Alphanumeric Characters Display.
Multi-Segment Size, Multi-Function and Multi-Interface 8-digit Seven Segment Controller
Controller module with game pad.
433 MHz Wireless Remote Control using PlayStation® Standard gamepad for human interface.
Multi-LCD Size dan Multi-Interface Character LCD Controller.