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DT-Sense Current Sensor with OpAmp

Current sensor based on ACS712 which uses hall effect principle and also has been equipped with OpAmp to improve the input sensitivity.

DT-Sense Light Sensor

Light sensor based on TEMT6000 which has analog data output propotional to the intensity of light received either outdoor or indoor.

DT-Sense Carbon Monoxide Sensor

Gas Sensor Module that can be used to determine consentration levels of carbon monoxide in the air.

DT-Sense Carbon Dioxide Sensor

Gas sensor module with can be used to measure carbon dioxide gas in the air.

DT-Sense Air Quality Sensor

Gas sensor module which can be used to measure harmful gas in the air.

DT-Sense Line Tracking SFH 8 Sensor

Line tracking sensor module based 8 SFH sensors.

DT-Sense Line Tracking SFH 4 Sensor

Line tracker sensor module with four SFH sensor.

DT-Sense Line Tracking CDS 8 Sensor

Line tracking sensor module based 8 CDS sensors.

DT-Sense Line Tracking CDS 4 Sensor

Line tracker sensor module with four CDS sensors.

DT-Sense Temperature Sensor

Smart sensor system which capable to measuring temperature in the range 0-100 degC and can serve as stand alone temperature control.


DT-Sense SHT11 Module

Temperature and humidity sensor module based on SHT11 sensor with 8-Pin package.


DT-Sense UltraSonic and InfraRed Ranger

UltraSonic Range finder sensor module which can be connected to maximum 2 Sharp GP2D12 InfraRed Ranger.


DT-Sense Flame Detector

Smart sensor which can be detection a flame and it's location.


DT-Sense Humidity Sensor

Fully calibrated digital data output smart sensor system for measuring Relative Humidity in the range 1-99 %RH.


DT-Sense IR Proximity Detector

Smart sensor to detect an object in range 5 - 25cm using infrared sensor.


DT-Sense Temperature & Humidity Sensor

Smart sensor which can be measure temperature and humidity with digital data output which has already calibrated.


DT-Sense Thermopile Array Sensor

Contactless smart sensor system which has capable to measuring temperature in the range 0-100 degC with UART TTL and I2C interface.


DT-Sense Barometric Pressure & Temperature Sensor

Smart sensor which can measure the air pressure and temperature with calibrated digital data output.


DT-Sense Color Sensor

RGB color sensor module based TAOS TCS3200 with capability to store 25 color data.


DT-Sense Alcohol Sensor

Gas Sensor Module that can be used to determine concentration levels of alcohol in the air


DT-Sense LPG Sensor

Gas sensor module which can be measure the LPG, isobutane, propane and LNG gas in the air.


DT-Sense Methane Sensor

Gas Sensor Module that can be used to determine consentration levels of methane, and natural gas in the air.


DT-Sense Yaw Gyroscope

Gyroscope sensor module based on ADXR300. This module can be used to measurement of angular velocity on Z-axis (Yaw) with analog output.


DT-Sense OmniMic

Sound sensor module with ADMP421 (omnidirectional microphone) on its core. This module featuring high sensitivity and low power consumption, making it...


DT-Sense Current Sensor without OpAmp

Current sensor module based on ACS712 and working principle of the hall effect. This module can be used to measure AC and DC current.


DT-Sense 3D Accelerometer & Magnetometer

Acceleration and magnetic field sensor module based on single chip LSM303DLHC from STMicroelectronics. This module is capable to reads both 3 axis accelerometer...


DT-Sense 3 Axis Gyroscope

3 Axis Gyroscope sensor based on L3G4200D from STMicroelectronics. This module can be able to measure 3-axis of angular velocity with range of measurement...


DT-Sense 3 Axis Compass

Magnetic field sensor module based on HMC5883L from Honeywell. The HMC5883L is specially designed for applications in magnetic field measurement, direction(compass)...


DT-Sense 3 Axis Accelerometer

3 Axis Accelerometer sensor module based on MMA7455L from Freescale Semiconductor. MMA7455L can be measurement of acceleration on X, Y and Z axis with...


DT-Sense Photoreflector Sensor V2

Light-reflection sensor module based on LED transmitter and NPN-Silizium-Fototransistor SFH 300 receiver with HIGH digital output when its detect the reflection...


DT-Sense Photoreflector V2

Photoreflector sensor for detection the diference color of object or line with their background. Support 8 input sensor and has been integrated with object...


DT-Sense UltraSonic Ranger USR

Range finder sensor based on ultrasonic wave with measurement range from 2 cm up to 6 m without blank spot or dead zone. Provided with pulse width output...


DT-SENSE Photoreflector Sensor

Photoreflector sensor module based on Infrared to detect the level of light or dark color object.



Smart sensor system based InfraRed photoreflector for detecting object/track which contrast against the bacground color.