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PC-Link USBer is a FT232GM based USB to UART Converter module which is compatible with USB 1.1, USB 2.0, also UHCI / OHCI / EHCI host controller. This module is using 5x2 amphenol PCB as its I/O port which is compatible with DT-AVR Low Cost Series, DT-51 Low Cost Series, and DT-COMBO AVR-51 Starter Kit. You can use this module for USB to UART RS-232 converter, USB to RS-422 converter, USB to UART RS-485 converter, USB modem, USB interfacing with microcontroller, etc.

Dimension : 5,4 cm (L) x 3,1 cm (W) x 2,1 cm (H)

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  • Self powered module with 4,4 - 5,25 VDC working voltage.
  • UART TTL (5 Volt) interface.
  • 2 LEDs as Rx and Tx indicator.
  • Support DTR, DSR, CTS, RTS, RI, and DCD signal for communicating with UART modem.
  • Support UART format 7 / 8 bit data, 1 / 2 Stop bit, dan Odd / Even / Mark / Space / No parity.
  • 3 Mbps maximum baudrate (TTL/RS-422/RS-485) and 1 Mbps (RS-232).
  • There are pins for control signal for RS-485 communication which is automatic.
  • Support USB Suspend / Resume through SLEEP and RI pin.
  • 1024 bit eksternal EEPROM to store PID, VID, serial number, and product description. You can use MProg 2.3 software to write that information
  • Memiliki 1024 bit EEPROM eksternal untuk menyimpan data PID, VID, nomor serial, dan deskripsi produk. Pengisian data tersebut melalui USB dengan menggunakan program MProg 2.3.
  • Virtual COM port driver (VCP) dan D2XX (USB Direct Drivers + DLL S/W Interface) untuk Windows® 98, 98SE, ME, 2000, dan XP.
  • Tersedia user guide untuk instalasi driver, penjelasan mengenai rutin library, dan program tester.
  • Menggunakan komponen Surface Mount Device (SMD) dan PCB berbahan 2 layer FR4 dengan teknologi Plated Through Hole (PTH), serta desain PCB yang lebih kebal terhadap noise.


Perlengkapan :

  • 1 buah board PC-Link USBer.
  • 1 buah kabel USB (p = 1,2 m).
  • 1 lembar Quick Start.
  • 1 buah CD yang berisi user guide, driver, MProg 2.3, manual USBer, program tester, dll.

Application Note Table

Article File Desc date
[AN145] Kendali Motor Stepper melalui USB

This application note will explain how to control stepper motor through USB. This application note uses PC-Link USBer and SPC Stepper Motor.

[AN142] Menghubungkan DT-51 Low Cost Series Ke Port USB Komputer

This application note will explain how to use PC-Link USBer as USB to UART converter. This application note uses DT-51 Low Cost Micro System / Low Cost Nano System and PC-Link USBer.

[AN141] Menghubungkan DT-BASIC Ke Komputer Melalui Port USB

This application note will explain how to connect DT-BASIC mini system to your computer through USB. This application note uses DT-BASIC Mini System and PC-Link USBer.

[AN135] Kontrol Motor DC Melalui Port USB

This application note will explain how to control a DC motor from USB. This application note uses PC-Link USBer and SPC DC Motor

[AN131] USB Alphanumeric Display

This application note will explain how to build a USB Alphanumeric Display. This application note uses PC-Link USBer and SPC Alphanumeric Display.

[AN126] Emulasi SPI Menggunakan PC-Link USBer

This application note will explain how to use PC-Link USBer as a USB to SPI converter. This application note uses PC-Link USBer and SPC Seven Segment Display.

[AN122] USB to I²C Peripheral Bridge

This application note will explain how to use PC-Link USBer as a USB to I2C converter. This application note uses PC-Link USBer and DT-I/O I2C Peripheral.
