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DT-Sense Current Sensor with OpAmp is current sensor which uses hall effect principle based on AC712. This module can be used to measure the AC or DC current. This module has equipped with OpAmp based on TLC272A to improve the input sensitivity and be able to measure a small current. This module is well suited for motor controller, power monitoring, switch mode power supply sensor, etc.

Dimension : 4,8 cm (L) x 3,2 cm (W) x 1,7 cm (H)

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Specification :

  • 5VDC input voltage.
  • Based on ACS712 current sensor with following features :
    • Rise time output = 5 us.
    • Bandwidth up to 80 kHz.
    •  Total output error : 1,5% at temperature TA = 25°C.
    • 1,2 mega Ohm internal conductor resistance.
    • 2,1 kV RMS minimum isolation voltage from pins 1-4 and pin 5-8.
    • 185 mV/A output sensitivity.
    • 5 A maximum current measurement.
    • Output voltage proportional to AC or DC currents
  • Equipped with OpAmp based on TLC2272A.
  • Comes with variable resistor to adjust the sensitivity+gain and offset value.
  • Comes with filter circuit.


Includes :

  • 1x DT-Sense Current Sensor with OpAmp.

Application Note Table

Article File Desc date
[AN212] Monitor Arus pada Motor DC dengan DT-Sense Current Sensor with OpAmp

This application note will explain how to use DT-Sense Current Sensor. This application note uses DT-AVR Inoduino, DT-I/O Quad Relay Board, and DT-Sense Current Sensor with OpAmp.
